Tuesday, June 15, 2004

celebrating dead royalty

some things astound me. i have been livng in australia for 5 years now, and the time has gone fast. but one thing i still am having alot of trouble getting over is this huge affinity to a monarchy. i mean really, what the fuck? the queen of england is still the figure head of the entire continent of australia, which happens to lie on the exact oppostite end of the world to england. so far away. apparently, the queen of england has only stepped foot on this continent (that she apparently owns), only 7 times in her life. and still her picture is on the money (coins only now [thankfully]). but the butchers bloody apron is still on the flag, and in reality it is on the flag of alot of nations still. so this last weekend was a 3 day weekend, or as they say in australia it was a "long weekend." for me it wasn't long enough. the holiday was in celebration of the queens b-day. i don't know how old she turned. all i know is a whole lot of people got the day off. some queen. happy birthday, beth.
the other psuedo-royal person making news lately was ronald reagan, who died. i mean really, what the fuck? are americans totally ignorant of the recent past and totally forgotten about that guys policies that are still affecting the world today. that guy had direct open dealings with saddam hussein. think about it. and the trickle down theory of his, would have worked better as a title to a porno film. with the gipper running the show, the rich got rich rich richer, and the poor got left out in the lurch. big surprise there! but what really kills me, is the way that he is being made out to be a super-hero. i can only imagine all the little kids, who never lived in the time of ronald reagan as president of the united states, are getting a warped view and interpretation of the story.

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