Wednesday, November 30, 2005

hey big spender

for all those brilliant fore sighted politicians out there who make these big decisions for the common folk (the rest of us), i have a request. before you put together the "budget" or cut tax or introduce a new tax or raise minimum wage or lower it or even change the laws for workers rights, i propose you go out and get a real job for a change. why don't you political fools put your minimum wage money where your stinking rich mouth is and try to survive in a society in which you govern. it is near impossible. then try to put up with a shit job, a shit boss, on a shit salary. go on, i dare you. any politician that is convinced this sort of life is possible, let alone healthy, is living in a fantastical realm and is so far out of touch with reality that a 3 year old would create better politics. just try it out first before you make it law. please.

on why health is so important- because...

dead is dead is dead. so you better make this one turn at life count. believe me you don't want to be playing half-assed from a sick bed. you want to be running around stirring shit up, because stirring shit up is way more fun than being sick.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

the fat gene

i have located the elusive fat gene that scientists have been desperately searching for in america.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

i hate fucking bunnies...

but apparently this guy loves to fuck bunnies. if you haven't heard, ladies and gentlemen, sydney australia has a bunny fucker in town. the guy was arrested a few months back for bestiality and cruelty to animals. the discovery came when multiple bunny body parts were found scattered in the street outside the guys office. check out the link for further details. however, what the story doesn't include is the fact the guy is originally a kiwi (new zealander). thus, i am sure his animal erotic adventures began with the local sheep and then moved onto rooting rabbits. i guess he gives a new meaning to roger rabbit. this story also compells me to wonder if it was love, or just a rabbit fetish?


i am in such a rush this morning. there is plumbing work going on, i have dug holes, ate breakfast and then sat down to type. it is now about 8:40 in the am and i am just about to flee out the door for work. so i don't even know why i sat down to type a blog, but i did. habit i guess. does any other blogger out there find that the more you blog the more you are addicted to the exercise of blogging, even if your blogging about noting at all? is blogging a narcisistic act? gotta run....

Monday, November 21, 2005

statement of philosophy

well here it is. the reason why i am studying to become a teacher. as part of our class assignment we needed to write a statement of philosophy about our beliefs, ideas, and reasons for going into the education field. so i thought i would share mine with you. it is no secret, so why not share? i am also looking for some feedback and comments as i think it would benefit me in further defining who and what i am about as i embark upon this new career. although i still have another year of study to go, i am chomping at the bit to get out of the starting gate and into the race.

I want to become a teacher. As a teacher, I feel that it is a position in life where I can make a difference. I choose this profession in order to reciprocate to the world many of the benefits I have received throughout my own life. I want to create positive change. In my lifetime I have seen and experienced many revolutionary changes occur throughout the world. Over the course of history there have always been dramatic changes that have affected human civilizations. Within the last 50 years humanity has stamped an inerasable mark upon the world. This has occurred through technological “advancement.” In my lifetime I have seen the wonders of; personal transport improve and become more abundant and available, medicines have cured diseases and enabled an exponential growth in population the world over, the computer age evolved into reality with computers in many homes and classrooms (starting in 1985 in my own 5th grade class with the Apple IIe), telecommunication has moved from landlines to mobile networks where people can be contactable anywhere and anytime, the growth of knowledge has increased in farming providing an abundance of food, genetics, flight, weapons, cheap trave,l and general convenience (Adbusters #62 2005: 20). There are multitudes of examples of the greatness of humanity throughout the world. Yet, when I look at the world around me I see chaos, discontent, hatred, sexism, racism, marginalization of whole races of peoples by another, greed, total disregard for the environment, wars, famines, holocausts, imprisonment, drug abuse, corporations pushing consumption through media and mass marketing campaigns, the loss of basic human rights in democratic countries (such as the USA and Australia), distrust, and lies- all undermining the past, present, and potential grandeur of human civilization. One only has to turn on the nightly news or open a newspaper for evidence to any and all of these occurrences taking place in the world around us.
Perhaps these things have always existed? I believe that humans are capable of much greater things. I see humanity throughout the world stuck in this quagmire of shame and distrust at this moment in time. I believe we can achieve prosperity and peace for all life if we choose to march down that path. This is something that can only be accomplished through action and co-operation, not by idleness. That is why I choose to go into the field of education. I want to make a positive and active contribution to not only my community, but to the world. It is through education where I feel I can make the greatest contribution. By becoming a teacher I can promote the sharing and exchange of ideas and values in a way that promotes tolerance and ultimately acceptance between all people. According to the Zinn model on the philosophy of adult education, I rank highest in two areas of educational practice; humanist and radical (reconstructionist) educational approaches (Zinn 2004: 76-77). Both humanist and radical definitions I feel are adequate explanations to my philosophical beliefs. A humanist approach is relevant because I see myself in a reciprocal learning environment in the classroom. Despite the teacher status, I too would be involved in the learning process through sharing and occasional group work. I have a passion for learning, one I would definitely promote within the classroom. The radical philosophical approach is relevant in that I aim to seek and promote positive change in my community and society. I know that as a society we can do better. I am not satisfied with status quo, but am striving for greatness. This is a fever that I hope to instill in others- to not accept mediocrity, but to be the best in all endeavors.
As a teacher I seek to encourage and inspire the quest for knowledge not only in myself but more importantly in my students. I want to promote a love for learning and to provide students with the tools necessary to discover new ideas, as well as to help foster greater knowledge in the areas of their own interest and subjects relative to their own lives. It is important to me to convey the message to every student that they are important and that they too can make a positive contribution towards their family, humanity, the community, and the world. I believe it is important to promote and teach young people to become self empowered, especially in modern times where many people are detached and disenfranchised from the world happening around them. Not only do I plan to teach subject curriculum but more importantly my goal is similar to what Donald Arnstine puts forth in the Educator’s Impossible Dream, that “if what we teach disposes students to grow in the power to learn to treat other people in humane ways, if it disposes them to be sensitive to problems and to deal with them thoughtfully rather than impulsively, then we can trust them and their teachers to make reasonable decisions about the knowledge that they might need” (Arnstine 1993: 263). This goal can be accomplished through creative and intriguing practices within the curriculum, as well as providing additional outside resources from everyday life. Ideally, as a teacher, I want the class run as smoothly as possible. However, I am aware from experience while a substitute teacher, in Santa Cruz, California for 2 ½ years, that there will always be unexpected phenomenon from students. Thus, I know it is extremely important as a teacher to be adaptable to the situation. Therefore, it is imperative to be able to move through the spectrum of Zinn’s philosophical approaches to teaching and not solely rely on the areas I am most comfortable with.
My belief of secondary schools is they are primarily a setting to encourage and enable adolescent students to metamorphasize from dependent children into citizens of the community. By this I see secondary schooling as essential in promoting independence as well as the power of social contribution of students. This can begin as simply as classroom projects leading to whole school projects, leading into community benefit and beyond. Students can realize their societal contribution through their own experience. It is also my belief that within high school, students learn these necessary social skills simply through attendance and interaction with their fellow students. In addition they will learn factual and experiential knowledge provided and facilitated through curriculum, teachers, staff, and administrators. By capitalizing on skills learned in primary school, secondary schools will help mold and solidify students in their own individual abilities in order to cope with living in society once the student has graduated and moved beyond the educational system, and therefore a full functioning member of society. As stated by Bertrand Russel, “the goal of education is to help create wise citizens of a free community” (Lecture, August 1, 2005).
I believe that all children have the desire to grow and become independent adults making their own choices. It is at the stage of adolescence, particularly during high school years, this becomes most apparent. Keeping this in mind, it is important to assist students to become the person they want to be. I believe that children are naturally curious and want to learn. I think it is important to nourish and encourage this quest for knowledge, rather than attempt to stifle or control it. As referred to by Thompson, all children “bring with them to school a virtual schoolbag full of things they have learned” (Thompson 2003: 1). This prior knowledge and interest makes up each student’s cultural capital, which has influence in their personalities, learning methods, dreams, desires, and goals. It is therefore important to consider this in regards to curriculum, and truly support children’s learning in areas of interest important to them. I strongly believe that students should have input into their own areas of study. I think it would help create a much stronger desire to learn in each person if they could choose topics and subjects of personal interest as well as contribute to the focus of each. I know from personal experience during my student years, that I had a much greater interest in all subjects when I could dictate some of the content as opposed to constantly being told what to study by teachers, educational boards of study, etc. With this in mind it would be a safe statement to say: high school students are the same throughout the world. It is imperative to allow individuals control over their own destiny.
From experience I have found that parental influence over children can either make or break the success of any student. Parents with negative or dim views on education will ultimately contribute to a student’s educational demise. Where as parents who have positive input into the academic success of their children, will typically result in a higher performance of the student. This is a trend I witnesses first hand while working as the high school water polo and swim coach for Santa Cruz High School, in California from 1996-1998. I believe that if students are to become most successful in all their various endeavors it is essential to have strong parental support at home. This support can come in many forms; role models, appreciation for learning, skills practice, fostering of curiosity, or correlations from education to everyday life. Regardless, basic support and encouragement of the learning process is important. In addition, support for learning can be viewed in environmental terms such as adequate space, privacy, and time allocated for study. The one area where my views of the educational process have shifted is in regards to community involvement in the educational curriculum. Prior to this course I tended to view community input as manipulative of students, attempting to conform young people to fit into the community model rather than allowing them the freedom to grow. My change of thought is in particular reference to Aboriginal communities in Australia taking a significant role in determining what is taught in the classroom. Through this community involvement, there is a strong and positive model for empowerment, adaptability, and change displayed for students. Yet, at the same time community involvement allows for culturally diverse classrooms “to provide learning structures that do not offend cultural sensibilities but work with them” (Malin 1997: 4). This provides concrete evidence that despite diversity in the world, there can be accomplishments made through cooperation. Learning about Aboriginal and white Australian collaboration on educational issues has further inspired me on the road to become a teacher. I know there is a lot more to be investigated and learned from this model approach.
Overall my goal in becoming a teacher is one of contribution. I feel that through the education of young people, I can best accomplish this goal, regardless of the challenges that lie before me. My aim is to be energetic in the learning process, so as to inspire students to become self aware, empowered citizens of the world. I want to be a catalyst for positive change, or at the very least to assist and enable people who want to make a difference in their own lives. This idea is similar to the statement made by Noam Chomsky, “Education is not to be viewed as something like filling a vessel with water, but more like assisting a flower in growing its own way” (Lecture, August 1, 2005). I seek to create awareness in all areas of society, especially in areas where ignorance persists. I feel the world is at a point in time where human civilization is capable of major transformation in forming a better life for all. I believe we can overcome many stumbling blocks society faces- environmental issues, racism, sexism, and classism. This can only begin through the educational process of sharing, patience, communication, and learning, which will develop into tolerance, acceptance, and co-operation. This goal is a major challenge, but the possibility exists. For this possibility to become a reality it must begin somewhere and with someone. Therefore, I choose to become a teacher in order to aid and promote positive change in my community, society, and the world. This process will begin in the classroom, one student at a time.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

fresh ideas

alright, who is ready to make a few changes around this place? i am ready to make a few changes. the first decision was to not participate in the mad consumer spending phenomenon called christmas. i have not really had much interest since i was about 8 years old. i think it had something to do with my dad nearly getting into a fist fight over a parking space in the "toys'r'us" car park. after that, well the so called spirit of christmas never seemed all it was cracked up to be. just like most things christian, it seemed to be a huge hypocracy. as i have grown up, pretty much everything in the world and my life seems to reaffirm that notion. my wife and i only made this decision the other night, specifically after we watched this documentary called- the corporation. if you have not viewed this film, you must. it will revolutionize your life. apparently, some of the topics in the film have actually been banned from having any media exposure whatsoever in the united states. particularly with regards to the evil monsanto corporation, the maker of napalm and other wonderfully friendly chemicals.
for another fresh idea, check out this site about putting acetone into fuel. i am no chemical engineering expert, but what you read here is compelling shit to hopefully encourage you to make a change. longer running engines, less trips to the service station for a new transmission, better mileage out of the same tank of gas??? anything is possible.
the last fresh idea of the day. garbage clothing. yeah, you read correctly. why not make fashion out of the trash, because everyone knows the shit that the fashion industry churns out year after year is pretty much rubbish anyways. so why pay more for rubbish when you can pay less and save the planet at the same time.
these are only a few ideas and a few links to back up what you may think is crack-pot ideas, or else inspirational genius. i prefer to think the latter. that is all from this side of the planet. i am now signing off. stay tuned for the upcoming publication of my manifesto.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

soccer madness!!!!!

those of us who live in oz already know. for those of you not living here and are just waking up to the reality of the fact, australia has qualified for the world cup. the first time in nearly 32 years. we were at the game last night, and oh what a glorious match it was. the result after full time was 1-0 australia. which basically meant an overtime play due to uruguay winning by the exact same score earlier in the week in south america. at the end of overtime there was no score. so then the game went to the inevitable penalty shoot out. australia wins that 4-2 and the nation goes crazy.
i came home last night after the game and could not sleep due to the ringing in my ears from the screaming crowd, and the drums from the only guy to bring his whole drum kit to the game sitting 3 rows behind. i also have no voice due to all the yelling, but i couldn't hear myself anyhow. so for the next few days (or even months maybe) the country goes wild for soccer madness. it was an incredible game. and a small note to the uruguayan team- better luck next time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

hi ho hi ho

it is off to the world cup qualifier we go. i feel totally fortunate to be going to this game tonight- australia vs. uruguay. it is fixing to be a good and exciting game. don't really have much green and gold clothing to wear, so i am a bit stumped in that area. maybe i could get away with wearing light blue? not much to comment about the game. i am sure the whole world will know the result in about 15 hours. if australia actually wins, i am sure the whole world will really know about it for the next 8 months. hopefully they will win. it would certainly give a boost to youth soccer in this country. and if they don't win, there is always the pleasure a nation can take by rioting afterwards...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

oh no! bad girl!

i just stumbled across this article on line- bad girl cheerleaders doing very bad things. i always knew they were trouble, but i too had to learn the hardway.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

sick day

i called in sick today, for a valid reason. i am sick. i sort of did it to myself, getting sick. on saturday night i as out in bondi junction for a friends 30th b-day. it was a fun party. the theme was op-shop formal wear, and everyone went all out. i was having so much fun that i decided to stay in the city for the night, rather than jump in the car and cross the bridge with a belly full of beer. it was a sensible decision, i think. however, that is where sensible left the building and i continued to have fun. the drinks were flowing and the fun was building. so much so, that i did not get into bed until two house calls and two taxi rides later. when i did crash it was nearly 4am. i was rudely awakened at dawn, as the brilliant sunshine was streaming through the window and glowing in my face. so i got up and drove the car north, back to my home on the northern beaches. now, two days later i am still suffering from a major sore throat. it was not worth going into work and forcing myself to do anything, it would have only made me sicker.
so what did i do this tuesday? i stayed home, in bed, and slept. i slept in until 11 and then had some breakfast and went back to bed and slept from 1-4pm. i guess my body needed the rest. poor me. i am also taking a sick day off from work tomorrow. what a life! i figure that this should be the best time to take advantage of having sick days, as they may all dry up under this new work place reform laws that the liberal government is trying to pass at the moment. i encourage everyone to call in sick tomorrow. why not?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

just another coincidence? i think not!

yesterday, little johnny howard and his little henchman side kick phil ruddock came out (of the closet) and said "there is information that a terrorist attack on australian soil is imminent." with this said, these political mental midgets walked into parliament and fast tracked this recently proposed anti-terror legislation into law. this is the new law where citizens can be locked up without due process for up to two weeks without charge. in another democratic country habeas corpus no longer exist! in addition, this new law will force monitoring bracelets to be placed upon "suspected" terrorist. as well as home detention and other crazy fear mongering tactics.
what really annoys me though, is once again free peoples of the world are being hegemonized by their own elected government, in order to fulfill the whims of these political nincumpoops. why is australia a terrorist target? the answer is- australia went to war in iraq. why did australia go to war in iraq? the answer- weapons of mass destruction. a lie. which we were repeatedly told, time after time, was valid and credible information. so is there really an imminent terrorist attack in the land down under. probably not. little johnny howard is crying wolf. once again, i think it is another smoke and mirrors attempt by the federal government employed in order for them to push this fucked up bill into law. human rights and civil rights no longer exist! makes you wonder who the people are that are committing crimes against humanity...
but what is really the underlying current agenda of the primate minister is the drastic changes being made to the work place relations law. this is the kicker ladies and gentlemen. workers rights are soon to be a thing of the past, if this law gets passed. however, if you are the boss, you will be laughing all the way to the bank. at this point, it is wait and see, but i have a very pessimistic outlook on the chances of it being refused.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

halloween extravaganza 2005

yes, once again we held our annual halloween bash. didn't you get the invite? well, we gave out over 150 of them. in the end, having to compete with reuninons, birthday parties, and weddings, about 35 folks rocked up to the celebration. there were several who flaked, but that was their loss. for those of us in attendance we had a blast. the event kicked off about 5pm and wrapped up for me about 3am when i finally crashed. in addition to the barbie, there was a bonfire, scare crow, witches, draculas, ali g, suicide victims, pirates, cats, ghosts, serial killers, military personel, rambo, pumpkins, hari krishnas, beer wenches, porn stars, gypsies, and myself (and bud) the transvestite siamese twins. enjoy the photos. be ready for halloween 2006.

on the lighter side of things

i am out the door for work in less than 15 minutes. this won't be the most insightful of blogs despite all the shit that is going on in the world; john howard pushing through this bullshit anti-terror laws in australia, executions for drug smugglers in south east asia, the melbourne cup race today (will makaybe diva make it three in a row?), bush jr. once again trying to push through another arch-conservative for the supreme court, then we find out david hicks is raped and abused while in custody in guantanamo bay prison (without a charge against him still!).
so with all this conspiracy, bad water dealings, and car bombs going off, despite the world propoganda of terrorist fear on every corner, i present to you something that has just come to my attention- the movember movement. i know it may be last minute planning for you all, but it certainly made my day and i thought it was a fantastic idea. one with a positive spin on it.
alright. now i am off to work on this beautiful tuesday morning, the first day in november. ciao.

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