Wednesday, November 30, 2005

hey big spender

for all those brilliant fore sighted politicians out there who make these big decisions for the common folk (the rest of us), i have a request. before you put together the "budget" or cut tax or introduce a new tax or raise minimum wage or lower it or even change the laws for workers rights, i propose you go out and get a real job for a change. why don't you political fools put your minimum wage money where your stinking rich mouth is and try to survive in a society in which you govern. it is near impossible. then try to put up with a shit job, a shit boss, on a shit salary. go on, i dare you. any politician that is convinced this sort of life is possible, let alone healthy, is living in a fantastical realm and is so far out of touch with reality that a 3 year old would create better politics. just try it out first before you make it law. please.

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