Tuesday, November 08, 2005

sick day

i called in sick today, for a valid reason. i am sick. i sort of did it to myself, getting sick. on saturday night i as out in bondi junction for a friends 30th b-day. it was a fun party. the theme was op-shop formal wear, and everyone went all out. i was having so much fun that i decided to stay in the city for the night, rather than jump in the car and cross the bridge with a belly full of beer. it was a sensible decision, i think. however, that is where sensible left the building and i continued to have fun. the drinks were flowing and the fun was building. so much so, that i did not get into bed until two house calls and two taxi rides later. when i did crash it was nearly 4am. i was rudely awakened at dawn, as the brilliant sunshine was streaming through the window and glowing in my face. so i got up and drove the car north, back to my home on the northern beaches. now, two days later i am still suffering from a major sore throat. it was not worth going into work and forcing myself to do anything, it would have only made me sicker.
so what did i do this tuesday? i stayed home, in bed, and slept. i slept in until 11 and then had some breakfast and went back to bed and slept from 1-4pm. i guess my body needed the rest. poor me. i am also taking a sick day off from work tomorrow. what a life! i figure that this should be the best time to take advantage of having sick days, as they may all dry up under this new work place reform laws that the liberal government is trying to pass at the moment. i encourage everyone to call in sick tomorrow. why not?

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