Tuesday, July 27, 2004

burn baby burn

i don't understand the problem with burning c.d.'s  does anybody remember cassette tapes?  there was never a problem with people making a copy of music with a tape.  so why all the fuss about burning a c.d.?  don't the record companies make enough money as it is?  when you go to the music store next time to buy a brand new c.d. in Australia it costs about $29.99.  consider that it has cost the manufacturer a few dollars to create, package, ship, and sell, as well as production costs and copy right for the artist.  into whose pocket does all this money go?  it simply does not add up. 
i do not have a problem burning a c.d.  i copied many tapes as a kid, which enhanced my music appreciation and knowledge, prompting my quest for more.  most likely encouraging me to buy more music as i have gotten older.  nobody ever told me then that making tapes was wrong, bad, or illegal.  i am not making money from copying a c.d.  i don't turn around and sell anything.  so why the big deal?  i think people are just greedy.  they want my money.  you may consider me acting greedy by copying the music and not paying for it at the store.  this i acknowledge, yet know i would buy the music if i wasn't being ripped off for it.  $30 dollars for c.d.!   it is not right.  thus i burn. 

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