Wednesday, August 18, 2004

children overboard

once again the australian prime minister is making headlines. this time over a flat out lie, he told nearly three years ago. a lie he has repeated and stuck by since. however, in his attempt at concealing the truth, the prime minister, has implied other government officials are lying, because he is telling the truth. this has pissed people off to the point where they are publicly denouncing john howard, and telling things the way they are. basically, the story is about refugee boat people coming to australia three years ago, and being denied entry into the country. at one point during the at sea encounter, between the boat people and the navy, according to the prime minister of australia, the boat people "through their children overboard" and into the sea. finally, this whole tall tale is coming around to bite him in the ass. really, who would believe such a story in the first place? certainly a lot of ignorant people, who view the 6 o'clock news as gospel did. however, anyone with any common sense, did and still do realize the whole story told by the prime minister is total bullshit. what family would risk traveling halfway around the world with their own precious family for weeks on end, seeking political asylum, risking death countless times, and at the very doorstep of their ultimate destination, chuck their own family members into the ocean (to try to kill them). the whole idea is preposterous. who would make up such a ridiculous story? the answer. john howard, prime minister of australia. a real hero ladies and gentlemen. this whole thing was caught on film, and seeing the images along with his version of the story, does not add up. so obviously someone is lying- the film or the prime minister. why lie in the first place? it was all a political scam to help in his reelection campaign three years ago, and now the lie has finally come round to bite back.
what happened with the refugees? well, they were quickly locked up in prisons either on various islands around australia, or locked up in prisons in the middle of the australian desert, men, women, and children. they were all put into prisons, where many of them still remain today.

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