Monday, September 13, 2004

back to the grind

in less than two weeks, i will start back to work full time. it has been nearly a year and a half since i have had full time work. it is nearly a year and a half since i was diagnosed with cancer, then had to suffer through the chemo-therapy treatment in order to survive. it was hell, but certainly much better than the alternative. i mean, i am still here to tell the tale and that makes it all worthwhile. even today, i am not 100% recovered. however, i am getting there. i don't think there is a finite destination in recovery, it is a continual work in progress. so i have many marks along the way in order to note my progress, my victories, and my successes. going back to work is a major one. i have had a few part time jobs the last 5 months, in order to make a few dollars so i can contribute to paying the stack of bills that always seems to be in the corner. full time work, is a big deal for me, and a full time pay check makes it all the sweeter. the job? i am going back to lifeguarding on the beaches of australia. specifically to be the beach inspector and collaroy, or club roy. i have worked this beach in the past, so i am feeling quietly confident and comfortable with the posting to that beach. i don't want to say i will be on easy street, but i know it will be a good starting point. some people may consider me lifeguarding once again, as me being fully fit and healthy. i am fit enough to have successfully passed the physical requirements for the job. but i know, that i am not top shape. i also know that i will get there. for now, i am just enjoying where i am. i have only a few more days to relax and enjoy the time off, then it is back to the grind. even that won't seem as dreadful as it did maybe 2 years ago.

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