Saturday, November 13, 2004

you think you got it bad

you think you got it bad? have you seen or heard the news this last week? well if you have the luxury of reading this, then let me tell you. your life is easy. at least you don't live in fallujah, or what used to be fallujah. those poor people! the george bush brigade has killed scores of people, and most of them innocent children, either by gunfire, bombs, disease, dehydration, or disease. so if you have anything to complain about in your life, think of the fallujahians.
and just to bush bash a little bit more. why is it that a "democratic" country, such as america, is spending billions upon billions of dollars to bring democracy to a country on the other side of the world, that does not want democracy? while at the same time, america has cut back severely on the services provided to its own people, such as health care and education?
another question. why is america spending billions upon billions of dollars on bombs in iraq? don't you think that money would be better spent on hospitals, education, food, and clean water in iraq? don't you think the people would be just a bit more appreciative of that, rather than a grenade and AK-47 gunfire?

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