Tuesday, January 04, 2005
happy new year
hello and happy new year. one question. do you have a new years resolution? i don't. this seems to be a commonly asked question these past few days. after people greet you with the traditional "happy new year," it is quickly followed up by a "did you make any resolutions" quiz. people are just tyring to be nosy i know. what is a new years resolution anyhow? and how many people actually stick with their resolution. i tried to tackle one about 12 years ago. i can't remember what it was i was resolved to do, but i gave up on it after about 3 weeks time. that was the last time i have done that. personally, if i want to change something in my life, i do it. i am not waiting around for another december year end party to make changes in my life. why? because i am not sure i will be alive that long, and a year is a hell of a long time to be waiting around just to do something i can start today. i certainly have achieved most of what i wanted to do this last year, and then some. that was without any new years resolution last year. so i figure why attempt to do one now? i will just keep going at the pace i set a while ago and accomplish things when they come up, and when i feel like it. good luck for those of you who have made the decision(s) to live by over the next year, what ever they may be. i support you in your endeavors.