Monday, July 18, 2005

not another suicide bomber

so why are there no suicide bombers blowing themselves up in helsinki? why is there no terrorist attack occuring in belgium? does anyone else wonder these things???
there seems to be a lot of eye for an eye retribution going around lately. certainly, the victims are mostly innocent. the instigators seem to always walk away to plan another murder, on all sides. the whole finger pointing, name calling, and responsibility sloughing that goes around with it is absurd too. everyone involved is to blame. those people who pretend to ignore it is happening and turn their backs, are to blame. they, we, us are all to blame. the world political movement has turned into a farcical western movie where everyone has guns, and everyone is shooting in all directions at once, but with real blood shed! there is no dialogue, there is only guns.
it is time for dialogue. people, nations, cultures, and religions must talk with one another, with the maturity, respect, tolerance, patience, and open mindedness that anyone would expect. it is common sense. it is simple. just talk. it would be a whole lot easier and more pleasant that killing people.

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