Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the idiocy of religious ideology

how stupid are some people? i mean it. there are some real fucking morons in this world and they are living right next door to you. it doesn't matter where in the world you live, because i can 99.9% guarantee that some religiously blinded fool lives in your neighborhood.
are we to seriously believe the rhetoric that is put forth by the religious leaders of the world? will all their prophecies of hell fire and brimstone, impending doom, and "the end of the world," really come true? is there truly a heavenly paradise? the short and long answer to these questions is- no.
yet, why are we led to believe that if some suicide bomber blows him/herself up killing other men, women, and children, that he/she will be sent to live in eternal paradise with 26 young nubile virgins? this shit is ridiculous! it is almost as far fetched as the one about the immaculate conception. you know the one. little virgin mary gave birth to a little baby boy and they named him jesus. yeah, right. she got knocked up, just like every other female throughout time (not limited to humans but including all mammals, birds, fish, insects, arachnids, and other living critters of the earth). who believes this shit? how silly are you people? you are so fucking blinded to your own "faith." and still they got you fighting other people who are just as blinded to their "faith."
which brings me to the latest fundamentally fucked up situation in the middle east- the gaza strip. right now jews and palestinians are fighting over a bit of dirt. this is an issue they should have solved over 2000 years ago. but once again both groups are so blinded by their "faith," they would rather kill or be killed than to simply live in peace. peace being the ultimate goal of all these crazy religions. go figure. as much as i would like to see and believe that there could be a peaceful solution, i am slowly but unwillingly coming around to the conclusion that it is almost hopeless. not to be anti-semitic here, but israel must accept much of the responsibility in the most recent escalation in violence over the past 5 years (also we can blame john howard because he is a little rat fink bitch). looking back over the past 2000 years, consider what has happened in that little stretch of land... jews take over, jews get kicked out, muslims take over, muslims get kicked out, egyptians take over, egyptians get kicked out, jews take over, jews get kicked out, muslims take over, muslims get kicked out.... and on and on it goes until today. where once again, the world finds itself in one of those transition stages where jews get kicked out and muslims take over. which brings me back to my original question. how stupid are some people?
i ask you to consider- what if atheists ruled the earth? well for one you wouldn't have to waste a weekend by sitting in church. however, there would be a lot more people sitting in the line up out in the surf.

despite the fact that it appears isrealis are pulling out of occupied areas such as gaza, on the other side of teh country they are refortifying their positions and settlements in places like the west bank. this making the whole gaza thing look like lip service and a farce. but could we really expect these two religious groups to actually practice tolerance and accpetance??
i thank you for your input. keep up the dialogue
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