Monday, September 19, 2005

it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

good morning. i just woke up, had breakfast and my moring ritual 2 cups of tea. now i am sitting here, motivating myself to walk outside to tackle the day. i have a number of things on my "to do list." so i better get started. blogging is not on the list, but i can always find the excuse to slip it in there. so yes, it is another glorious day to be alive and living in paradise. the sky is blue and the morning air is warming in the sunshine. i am so glad i do not work in an office building, with the stale recycled air that inevitably gets you sick, with the windows that are permanently shut so that it is impossible to force them open and jump (office suicide rates would be too high otherwise), and uncomforatble elevator rides where everyone pretends to ignore the rest of the party on board. no, i work outside, on the ground floor where life is best. those of you office rats, i wish you the best of luck. i have made several attempts at that sort of career, but every time i find it totally and absolutely soul destroying, no matter what the pay incentives are (they have all been shit anyhow). the weekday commutes into the city by bus, ferry, or train, take their toll. i found out a few years ago now, that my life is too short to be another suit, in the rat race. i also discovered there is no cheese for me in the corporate office environment. thus i have chosen a different life. i am now giving up the glow of the computer screen, and trading it in for the glow of the big yellow orbital in the sky, our sun. have a happy monday!

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