Thursday, September 22, 2005

the price of petrol

gas prices just seem to keep going up, up, up. this is not a phenomenon that people are now unaware of. if you are unaware, where the fuck have you been? otherwise, the rest of us keep getting gouged at the pump. this morning i filled up the tank on the car, basically, in response to talk of the price jumping another 30 cents per liter in less than a weeks time (for those of you living in america 3.8 liters= 1 gallon, or round about). this morning the price was $1.34 per liter on the way to work, when i filled up. on the way home, it was $1.38, at the same station. what sort of gas prices are you paying in your neighborhood? lucky for me, i am starting back to work on the beach, lifeguarding. so i will be doing a lot of bike riding to and from work this season. hopefully, this morning's trip to the gas station will be the last for a long time or until i want to go for a long drive.
on a side note, when i first got my drivers license when i was 16 years old, the price for a gallon of gas (as i was living in california then) was 69 cents. i could fill up my car for less than 10 dollars. when i left california in 1998, the price was $1.33 per gallon. what is it there, now? i don't rightly know. i would be obliged if someone let me know. but here in australia, like i said it is now $1.38 per liter. if i was to do the conversion of literes to gallons and take into account the exchange rate etc. in american dollars for a gallon of gas, here in australia, it would a little more than 4 dollars per gallon. makes me wonder what it would be in pesos.
on the other hand, as i am pointing out the price list and having a small whinge on the subject, i know that i am at least fortunate to- 1) afford a car 2) afford petrol to run the car 3) live in a country where it is relatively safe to drive down the street 4) be able to complain about the price. the list could go on.

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