Friday, December 23, 2005

it's christmas again, please kill me.

i am not going out of my way to ram my beliefs down anybody's throats. i am polite in saying "no thank you" and people still do not get it. no thank you. leave me out of it, and leave me alone. i am perfectly happy on december 25 without the whole hypocritical christian cheer. it is just another day, like any other day on planet earth. if only we could treat each day as if it were so special. perhaps, if people, who are so big on christmas, got present to the rest of their life on the other 364 days of the year and lived with such enthusiasm, then just perhaps things could be accomplished in this world.
why am i getting irratable about this? as we approach the "silly season" for another year in our lives, i am continually blown away by the numbers of people who are so openly rude and disrespectful to me in regards to my views of christmas. i am not a christian. i do not celebrate christmas. stop pushing it on me. i am not jewish and do not celebrate chanuka. i am not muslim. i am not buddist. i am not hindu. for the same simple reason i am not of these religions means i do not celebrate or even want to partake in any of these religious holidays. but despite my point of view, my opinions, my beliefs, and my practices, i am labeled a scrooge at christmas time. this makes me laugh, because the lable is almost an indefensable position in the society in which i live so long as there is such a strong predominant christian christmas cheer.
i am tired of getting christmas shoved in my face and forced upon me without any respect of my choice. i choose to be happy without partaking in the festivities. for those of you who do want to celebrate the fantastical virgin pregnancy and barnyard birthing rituals, go for your life. don't let me spoil your fun. i truly want you to have a good time, but please count me out of it. it is alright to let me go, i do not need my soul to be saved. i am perfectly good. have a happy new year.

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