Thursday, February 16, 2006

it keeps getting uglier

more photos out of abu ghraib. what the fuck! this seems a little odd to me that they should be coming out just now. more than 2 years after the scandal was first reported on. why not be released at the same time, or was someone waiting to play their trump card when it benifited them?
the reason i find it so odd, is that this latest release of photographs from the torture prison of iraq, coincides nicely with the ridiculous behavior of muslim men all over the arab world, who are torching everything in response to the cartoons in the danish paper. the poor danes, one cartoonist has made them the target of the middle east (where is princess mary at a time like this?).
why is it an offense to depict mohammed in a picture? seriously, what is the matter? do the muslims know something we don't about all this? could there be a conspiracy cover up? was mohammed really a woman? did he/she ever exist? this is all silly speculation, but really who the fuck cares about some dead guy from two thousand years ago? even if he was the so-called prophet, his message has been so perverted anyhow. i am positive he would be more pissed off with the people who are using his wisdom as their war cry in killing and pillaging, as opposed to the little danish artist who drew his picture. meanwhile back in the christian world, where hypocracy reigns supreme...
i still say we should outlaw religion.
maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if earth was invaded by aliens. then these moronic people who fight over who's god is bigger, will realize there is no god, there is only space aliens come to eat us.

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