Saturday, April 22, 2006

come for a visit, love

recently, tourism australia put out this advertisement campaign and commercial that promoted travel to australia. the end of the speech asked, "where the bloody hell are you?" this caused a bit of upset in england, when the poms said the word "bloody" was too offensive. for fucks sake, they were the people who came up with the bloody word in the first place. then there was the canadians, who claimed the word "hell" was unsuitable and out of line. jesus christ canada, grow the fuck up.
however, some genius has put together a spoof ad of the original commercial. check it out. the link is attached in the title. it pretty much covers what australia is- a pot smoking, aboriginal bashing, ethnic cleansing, immigrant incarcerating, facist state, with the most beautiful beaches in the world. so where the bloody hell are you?

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