Friday, August 04, 2006

smokers corner

why is it that people continue to smoke cigarettes? even though most people realize and know that smoking is a leading factor in heart disease and cancer, they still choose to smoke. it amazes me. despite this conundrum, i still hang out with those that smoke. in fact, i always have hung out with the smokers- all my life.
although i do not smoke, i have occasionally had a puff or two, and in a drunken fit have sucked down a few cigarettes in my life time. however, i have never bought a pack of cigarettes for myself. i have purchased them for others. once, i bought a pouch of loose leaf tobacco while in morroco, in order to roll up and smoke the stick of chocolate hash i had bought. that is was the high light of my tobacco smoking career. pot? well that is another story for another time.
these days, i still hang out with the smokers. yet, it is from a greater distance and up wind from the harsh smell. i have to always ask of those people, "why do you smoke?" the most common response is, "i am trying to quit." i always find that statement ironic. usually, i reply with "why not quit now?" and that is met with silence and a long thoughtful drag on the cigarette, before it is put out. their body, their life.
you can choose to smoke. i can choose to not hang out with you. all that is just fine. however, what pisses me off the most is the irresponsible fuck-wit with no self respect that simply tosses their cigaretter butt where ever they may be. i can only say this. pick up after yourself!

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