Wednesday, September 13, 2006

sowing the seeds

this afternoon i came home from work early. i didn't have a last period to teach, and i am still not getting paid- easy decision. since today was the first day in several weeks where the sun was shining and i wasn't desperate to finish other projects around the house, cherry and i decided to plant the seeds for our vegetable garden...finally.
what we planted in order of back row to front. corn, zucchini, eggplant, cucumber, radish, lettuce, and carrots all in the newly created planter box designed special for the vegetables. then in the side garden against the fence, i planted green beans and tomatoes. throughout both gardens we also put in marigolds to keep away the pests. we also had a few sunflower seeds to plant around the entire yard for fun and a bit of color. i went a little crazy with the planting of them but we will see what grows and where. i am looking forward to seeing the outcome of our sowing effort, and even more, i am looking forward to eating the outcome of our sowing effort.
with all the rain we have had, the plants all look so healthy. i am looking forward to watching the entire garden grow with the beginnings of spring. everything except the dreaded buffalo grass. that means mowing the lawn, which in a way, is needing to be done now. no time no time.

oooh! eeeiii! want to see photos! and updates with photos! SO fun! can't wait to hear you chomping into those sweet carrots on skype! hee!
p.s. LOVEd your comment on MY blog. gave me gooseybumps and a warm heart xoxoxo thank you!
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