Sunday, October 15, 2006

and in the end...

observation and thought.
the weather here is crazy. yesterday was like 105F and today was windy cloudy and all of 64F. this planet is a mad place to be on at the moment. how much further can the human race fuck it up? i think much further than we can even imagine. how much longer do we have until the shit literally hits the fan? according to the fortune tellers, the heretic fanatics from the middle ages, and the mayan calendar, we are livng on borrowed time, or are all about to die. then if you are a trekkie you will understand the fact that humanity will overcome all its problems through space travel and contact with alien civilizations. regardless, we all have to kick the bucket (or straighten the leg- if you are chinese) sooner or later. that is the only true fact of life.
lately i have begun to wonder what will kill me in the end- the big tsunami, an earthquake, avalanche, fire, disease, terrorists, famine, major heat wave, drought and dehydration, roving bands of mauraders (i do live in australia and i have seen the mad max films), nuclear bombs, radioactive fall out from nuclear bombs, invading hordes of indonesians (another aussie myth), hepatitis, home invasion gone wrong, mob violence, bird flu, over zealous police interrogation, torture, the list could be endless, but these items are at the top. i know that cancer won't get me. i have fought that shit off two too many times already in order to let that one get the last laugh. my list is comprised mostly by what you see and hear on the news.
if you pay any attention to the news, then you would most likely not want to crawl out from the underground bunker you live in. however, if you do watch the news on tv, listen to the news on the radio, read the newspaper, or even view the internet, you have got to laugh. otherwise you will certainly go insane.
how are you going to die? do you even think about it? yes, it is a morbid point, but can prove endless entertainment if you are willing to speculate on your own mortality.
how did i get so far off the subject of the weather?

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