Sunday, October 29, 2006

daylight slavings

the time has changed. we jumped forward an hour last night, by some malevovent occurance in the universe the time has been altered. big deal. i still feel like daniel fucking la ruso, without the wax-on wax-off aspect. for the past two full days my days off from work have been days on working. paint the house. paint the house. let me put it this way, i would rather be at work. i do not enjoy painting. however, it has to be done. these things don't just paint themselves.
originally, i thought, "yeah, no worries. i have this baby cranked out in a few days time." well, i was in for a huge surprise after the first day... i think i am now on day 6 of 8-9 hour days myself. this does not include the time put in by a few extremely wonderful friends, who have graciously donated a few hours of their time to come over and roll on some paint on the walls. a little help is much better than none at all. still, i would need a few more people and a few more hours in the day to have the job finished.
last weekend i was hampered by the rain. this weekend it was all green lights, and i was full steam ahead. saturday, i put in a solid 9 hours of painting. on the ladder for 90% of the time. i will pause here to express how much i love working up a ladder. yeah right. today, was different. i stayed on the ground even though the ladder work is still calling me... this morning, i got up early with the day light time change. just to take advantage to the extra hour and so that i am not so screwed up for the remainder of the week at work work, because of the time change.
the final result will look good. until then, we live in a patch work house. i guess it is all fun and games. still, i would rather be loitering at the beach and collecting a paycheck. ha! that will have to wait until tomorrow.
if you feel up to pitching in, scaling a ladder, and painting a wall- feel free to come over. the paint, brushes, rollers, drop clothes, and ladders are all ready to go.

ya see!

yall done gone ahead one our!

what kinda infernalness are yall up too, don ther?

herticks, iz tells ya, herticks!
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